Comments on: Download Media Feature Pack For Windows 10 N/KN All Versions Making Technology Accessible Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:04:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Largo Mon, 08 Jul 2019 16:34:18 +0000 When you install an update (referred to as windows “feature update”, which increment the 4-digit windows version) for windows 10 KN or N, you take the risk of loosing the media pack you installed earlier.
When that happens, you have to install media pack again for your new version of windows.
itechtics provided on this page, the list of these windows updates (1803, 1709…) that removes Media Pack and a link to the new media pack that you must install.

Knowing this, you should be careful when you install the next version.
For instance, as of today, I see a notification that a new “feature update” is now out (version 1903)
Since I don’t know if version 1903 will remove Media Pack, I will wait to see if Microsoft update their media pack updates page. Live link below:
For the last windows update (version 1809, October 2018), the media pack update page was updated about a month later.
