Comments on: How To Use a Laptop As a Monitor in Windows 11 / 10 Making Technology Accessible Tue, 06 Dec 2022 13:10:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raul S Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:26:56 +0000 Is there any way to do it without using Windows 10 wireless display? Such as a connection with just an HDMI cable? Due to security issues I can not do a wireless display from one laptop to the other.

By: Usman Khurshid Fri, 26 Jun 2020 22:23:38 +0000 In reply to somebody.

It works over bluetooth. If your Surface has a bluetooth, it should work.

By: somebody Thu, 18 Jun 2020 09:57:12 +0000 does it work on Surface?

By: JM Sat, 09 May 2020 17:12:23 +0000 Thank you for the suggestion, but extended app windows didn’t seem to be the cause of the issues.
I ended up adopting Spacedesk as a (still) free solution, and started using wired Internet connections instead of WiFi. It works very well, so I forgot about Connect and Miracast.
By the way, today -just for fun- I gave “Connect” a try, and to my surprise, it now works flawlessly.

By: Usman Khurshid Sat, 25 Apr 2020 18:08:25 +0000 In reply to JM.

I had the same problem when there was a window extending from one display to another. When I moved all windows to the specific display, the problem got resolved. Do you have extended app windows spanning both displays? Try moving them to a single display.

By: JM Sat, 25 Apr 2020 14:49:17 +0000 Thanks to your great explanation I am now able to project wirelessly from my Laptop to my Windows 10 tablet.
But the projected display has serious issues: Large waves of random colors and pixelation come and go, wandering all over the “Connect” display window and rendering it unusable.
I tried the options under “optimize the connection for what you are doing” (“gaming”, “working” and “watching videos”), to no avail.
Do you have an idea what I could do to solve this problem?
