Comments on: How to Create/delete volume shadow copies in Windows 10 Making Technology Accessible Wed, 26 Oct 2022 08:35:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Icepax Knight Wed, 26 Oct 2022 08:35:15 +0000 Your article don’t mention disk cloning.

From experience, I found Windows System Restore + VSS is a hit-and-miss affair- sometimes they work; other times, they most certainly don’t!

The best strategy I’ve found is disk cloning via hardware (preferred) or software method. Windows System Restore + VSS is rather pointless then when disk cloning is utilised.

My advice to all Windows users- Linux, or even Mac, for that matter- is to use disk cloning.

Hardware cloning is the best since they can also clone defective/bad sectors found on the source hard disk. But if you can’t afford hardware cloning equipment, then software disk cloning works, too, to a certain extent- some disk cloning softwares can’t clone defective or bad sectors.
